How to Make (Almost) Anything
MAS 863 2010
week 2: using the vinyl and laser cutters
first there were ideas. 3 made it to my paper. the first is a paper organizer to sort out my life. the second a 3-legged table. this idea from my girl friend envisions the legs and the table top as pieces of a puzzle set. the final idea is a venus fly-trap model that actually traps anything that disturbed it. you can judge the level of complexity of each idea. simple but functional. hard and fancy decoration. nerdy stuff.
then came learning a new cad tool. yes, i ditched blender (i never really gave it a chance) and started on rhino. so i made the measurements, and drew the parts for the mail sorter. i am doing a mail sorter instead because there is a huge problem in my house. we get too many mails and it is always messy going through 20 + letters to find out yours is at the bottom of the pile.
After trying really hard to model multiple things which I will soon post here, I decided to go with something simple but functional to address the mail problems in my house.
this final product is to sort mail for the guys in the house and to sort out spam mail as well.
and voila! the laser cutter did its magic.
to put finishing touches to the work, i made name tags using the vinyl cutter and the subtle "united states of africa" image indicating where me and my room mates are from.
finally, thanks to Tom, John and Dimitris (idea cultivation).